1Applicant Information2Employment Information3Personal Information4Co-Applicant Information What property are you interested in?(Required) Full Name(Required) First Last Date of Birth(Required) Month Day Year Phone(Required)Email(Required) Current Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Driver's License #(Required) Rent or Own(Required) Rent Own Landlord Phone(Required)Monthly Payment or Rent(Required)How long have you been living there?(Required) Current Employer(Required) Phone(Required)From(Required) Month Day Year To(Required) Month Day Year Position(Required) Monthly Income(Required)Other Income Source Other Income AmountPrevious Employer If at current employer for less than 6 monthsFrom Month Day Year To Month Day Year Position Monthly Income Do any or have any proposed occupants:Smoke?(Required) Yes No Own Pets?(Required) Yes No How many pets?(Required)Been Evicted?(Required) Yes No Broken a Lease?(Required) Yes No Filed Bankruptcy?(Required) Yes No Convicted of a Felony?(Required) Yes No Explain(Required)Use illegal or Controlled Substances?(Required) Yes No Is there a co-applicant? Yes No If yes, please fill out another app online for them.Co-applicant Name(Required) First Last List all legal names and ages of all people who will occupy the unit.I/we certify the above information is correct and complete and hereby authorize you to make any inquires you feel necessary to evaluate my tenancy, employment, and credit standings. I/we authorize the city of Grand Island or Kearney to release information regarding my/our utility account.(Required) First Last Δ